Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Workshop program

Friday 12th of October:
08:00 Registration opens

09:00 Workshop begins

09:10 - 10:30 Four presentations and personal introductions

9:10 Inferring the Mood of a Community From Their Walking Speed: A Preliminary Study. Oludamilare Matthews, Zhanna Sarsenbayeva, Weiwei Jiang, Joshua Newn, Eduardo Velloso, Sarah Clinch, Jorge Goncalves

9:30 Moodbook: An Application for Continuous Monitoring of Social Media Usage and Mood, Heng Zhang, Shkurta Gashi, Hanke Kimm, Elcin Hanci, Oludamilare Matthews

9:50 Towards Group-Activities Based Community Detection, Sumeet Kumar

10:10 Robust Device-Free Localisation with Few Anchors, Francesco Potorti, Pietro Cassara, Filippo Palumbo

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 - 12:30 Four presentations and personal introductions

11:00 Mapping the Important Sensor Limitations to Design Robust Occupant Sensing Systems, Anooshmita Das, Fisayo Caleb Sangogboye, Mikkel Baun Kjaergaard

11:20 A Mobile Scanner for Probing Liquid Samples in Everyday Settings, Weiwei Jiang, Gabriele Marini, Niels van Berkel, Zhanna Sarsenbayeva, Chu Luo, Xin He, Tilman Dingler, Yoshihoro Kawahara, Vassilis Kostakos

11:40 Toward a Bayesian Approach for Self-Tracking Personal Pollution Exposures, Debaleena Chattopadhyay

12:00 Challenges in Capturing and Analyzing High Resolution Urban Air Quality Data, Matthias Budde, Till Riedel

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 16:30 Afternoon program (Coffee break between 15:00-15:30)

During the afternoon program, we invite all workshop participants to form conversation groups based on similar interests - based on the introductions during presentations - to discuss and innovate potential collaboration topics. We will reconvene to the workshop location at around 15:30 to give each group a short demonstration of what they have come up and discuss these ideas further.

18:00 Workshop dinner & drinks (location decided later, each attendee pays on his own)